Fashion & Capsule Wardrobes | The transitional wardrobe


Henley T in red, Grey cold shoulder T, Yellow Owl T, Yellow Patterned T, Cobalt lace skirt, Striped Dress

Fashion & Capsule Wardrobes | The transitional wardrobe

Something, which I struggle with, is transitioning wardrobes. I don’t mean straight up summer to autumn or autumn or winter but more particularly the time between December and May. Partially I blame the high amount of celebrations between summer and Christmas but also I lament the lack of colour.

I think the world of high street fashion has truly embraced this idea of a capsule wardrobe and with that embraced the power of classic basics. It feels like we are all searching for those ultimate classics but with that comes the lack of out there fun and colour.

Not only am I missing fun but with the colder parts of winter to come I now feel the need to re introduce some much needed colour to keep the spirits up.

Now as I don’t wish to break the bank with transitional pieces I have done a quick run through of new items at H&M to show how to introduce some transitional colour into a more simplistic wardrobe. Also stay tuned as I am already planning spring colours! Say hello to orange, red and coral!

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